Let’s rock the boat!

I remember this wonderful hit song by the Hues Corporation

Our love is like a ship on the ocean
We've been sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion
Say I like to know where
You got the notion
Rock the boat
Don’t rock the boat baby
Rock the boat
Don’t tip the boat over
Rock the boat...

Maybe I had this somewhere in my subconscious when I started the Scarlet Trail

The beginning...


Once upon a time in March 2010, I was on facebook and stumbled upon a very profound poem written by Anthony Atuanya. Then another day, my friend and sister Didi Johnson came along the same journey on facebook armed with witty words. Perhaps their words formed the birth pangs of love for my land of origins; in seconds this same love birthed a deep passion for the land where we find common ground – Eastern Nigeria.

Of all Nigerians, they seem to be the ones scattered abroad, some doing extremely well in their spheres of influence and sadly a large number in prison, doing drugs and/or 419. I have also come to the slow realization of the impact of the civil war on this particular people. In as much as I did not experience the war, I was quite shocked at the lamentations of people I thought were of like minds like me. And then I began to think...actions good or bad emanate from thoughts and subsequently words. I thought about collective negative voices and how much damage they could do to an individual and consequently, society as a whole. I thought about how negative statements and their consequences could be reversed with positive meaningful voices, poems, psalms and stories that vividly showcase talents of the people behind these voices and of course have a jolly good time in the process! I thought about how this small humble beginning would spread and be a unifying force...indeed, who has despised humble beginnings?
I thought...and thought...and thought...and then The Scarlet Trail hit me.
The Scarlet idea emanated from the story of Rahab in the book of Joshua. Rahab hid the Israelites who came to spy the land of Jericho. The scarlet cord she dangled from the window of her family home was a sign...a symbol for the safety of her household.

Rock the boat
Don’t rock the boat baby
Rock the boat
Don’t tip the boat over
Rock the boat...

Our vessel is a boat and goodly words our cargo. Would you like to rock with us?
Perhaps we could be used as vessels to salvage something in the near and maybe distant future. With our positive words, we could reverse the ills of the past and step into a glorious future.
We started out as three members; today it’s all about expansion and our products will indeed attest to this. However, there is room for so much more. There’s more than enough space in our boat. Again would you like to rock with us?
Like one of our members said, “I pray this trail will be long and great.” I say a big “Amen” to that my bro!

Come let’s rock and enjoy...only on The Scarlet Trail!

Enuma Chigbo
Managing Director
The Scarlet Trail




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